right over Christmas
it was a flurry of activity around here.
Family coming and going.
And with all that coming
and going, we sought to
remember the REAL Reason for it all.
God is Good.
We are thankful that HE came!
The first day of our *six days of Christmas*
was my Dad's birthday.
On the 22nd.
Roast Beef,
Yorkshire Pudding
and Chocolate Log Roll
for dessert were on the menu.
A Tradition.
My sister and her family and my brother
came by after dinner for a visit.
Complete with an open fire.
What can beat a REAL fire?
I'm so glad we didn't close it in
years ago like we were tempted to.
Then we had our Christmas Eve
a day early (the 23rd).
And celebrated Christmas as a
family on the 24th.
Christmas Day we went to church
and then spent the afternoon
with Howie's parents.
They are unable to make the trek
out to our home for Christmas Eve Dinner by the Fire,
so we took it to them...on Christmas Day.
SO thankful that we still can.
On Boxing Day (26th) my Mom and
Sister and her family came to our
home for Turkey and all the Trimmings.
That night our niece stayed for
a sleep-over with Emma.
F.U.N. Times!
The 27th we spent the day
with Howie's family at his
brother's home.
Turkey with all the Trimmings
once again.
How blessed we are!
How thankful!
As wonderful as it was
to have had all those precious
family times...
As wonderful as it was
to have made some precious
We must slide back
into *normal* living.
It's where the daily
grace for life and living are.
Here's to *Normal*...
whatever THAT may be! :)
As you slide back into
your *normal*,
may the LORD give you daily
HIS grace and bless you with HIS peace.
In HIS Love,
How wonderful to have so much extended family to celebrate Christmas with! I agree though, as fabulous as Christmas and all of the related gatherings are, it is *very* nice to get "back to normal." Aaaaahhhh, normal, I have *missed* you!
Beautiful pictures of a beautiful family, thanks for the peek inside your Christmas. May God bless you in the coming year with an outstanding "normal" :)
What a sweet post, CAmille ;) :) I really am happy that you could spend time with family. That is a gift, for sure...besides, you have good-looking family.. :) :)
I can't wait to see what God does in our lives this year. I don't know what He'll do, but it will be an adventure :) :)
Happy New Year to you and your family :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather ;)
Dear Susan ~ You make me smile! :)
Dear Allison ~ Thank you so much! :)
Dear Heather ~ What a Great God we serve! :)
Many Blessings,
What a time of blessing! We're getting ready to slide back into normal, too! And I'm good with that! God has great plans for all of us! Hallelujah!
I'm blessed to be able to slide back into normal gradually. We were gone all last week and now I'm taking our Christmas break a little later. Glad I planned it that way so I ease back into our routine easier. I find the kids are much less resistant to homeschooling that way.
Wow, you guys were busy and definitely blessed! Happy New Year to you all :0)
Dear Jenn ~ Isn't it interesting how we seem to be ready for it at just the *right* time? :)
Dear Jackie ~ I trust you had a lovely time away. Enjoy getting back to *normal* gradually. :)
Love to you both!
Ah, normal... what is that exactly? :)
What a beautiful family, Camille. Looks like so much fun! I must say that there is something wonderful about January... taking down the decorations, cleansing, purging and starting fresh all over again. Happy Normal to you, my friend!
p.s. love that living room!
Dear Camille,
What a sweet post! I LOVE seeing photos of you and your family, just beautiful.
God is so wonderful and blesses us so much! I'm glad that you were able to spend the holidays with your wonderful family. Wow, looking at the photos on the sidebar, I cannot believe how much the kids have changed in such short time :)
How is your show and tell working out? I was able to share that with some parents and they thought the idea was just awesome :)
Have a blessed evening Camille and thanks so much for sharing!
Dear Heather ~ You are a sweetie...thank you for your friendship! And yes...what IS *normal*? :)
Dear Sharon ~ Thank you my sweet friend! Ah, yes...the *show and tell*...we MUST do that again soon! It really is a precious time. As for the children growing up...I do wish I could slow it down a little! :(
Love to you both!
Wow, sounds like you've been busy! A belated Merry Christmas to you all.
Love Jayne :)
Beautiful Christmas photographs of your family at Christmas Camille. God's blessings on you this coming year with good health prayers for Austin. Hugs Pippa
Dear Jayne ~ How lovely to hear from you my friend! I trust all is well? We must try to get together soon. xo
Dear Pippa ~ Thank you so much! Especially for your prayers!! God is SO Good to us. Always. May HE richly bless you all this coming year as well. :)
In HIS Love,
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