My friend Linda has put together an article on her blog which explains and provides links to help us all know how to implement this wonderful idea into our families. This is the link to her article. The picture you see to the left is of Linda's Jesse Tree in her home ~ isn't it pretty?
Considering that the advent season is half way through, we will be continuing with what we are currently doing in our devotional times. BUT ~ I have printed off the PDF that Linda provided and plan to add it into our Christmas traditions next year. If you are not already celebrating advent specifically, you might want to just jump right in and pick it up from today's date. Whatever you do...don't forget to teach your children the REAL meaning of Christmas!
You may also want to refer back to this article and this one which I previously posted this Christmas ~ May the Lord help us all as we seek to celebrate the REAL Reason for this blessed Season!
OH I am SO glad you've had the opportunity to look into this. How it has BLESSED our family! It's incredibly rewarding and tickles me to death to see my kids making connections... piecing things together...realizing that because God united Ruth and Boaz in marriage, Obed was born.......and eventually Christ. That light "clicked" on in MW's head this afternoon and she was AMAZED. What a wonderful gift to get to see them grasp these things and how God is using this season and the truths learned through the scripture presented in the Jesse Tree devotions to shape their hearts! It's priceless and thrilling!
Enjoy this wonderful season of celebrating our Savior's birth!
Merry Christmas!
J ~ It was because of a comment you left on a previous post that I began thinking about it at all. I really appreciated your input! I am excited to get going on it next's never too late to start something new...right? I agree...the Scriptures are so rich with truths we want to instill in our children so that they see how it all links together. Thanks again for taking the time to share your made a difference.
Have a wonderful Christmas with your family...may God be glorified in each of our homes.
So that is what a Jesse Tree is. I keep hearing about it. I just read on Stacie's blog that the decoration she made me is not called an Advent tree, but a Waiting Tree. My mistake. I just think it is wonderful when people do something to keep the focus on Christ throughout the entire Christmas season. Thanks for sharing!
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