go on a field trip with other local
homeschool families to an
indoor rock climbing gym.
What an experience!
The children were all harnessed properly
by *real* rock climbers
in *real* gear.
They were prepped on the
*how to's* and the
*do not's* ~
and then they were set loose to climb!
Each child that opted to climb higher than
12 feet was linked to an instructor
by a rope through their harness.
Would I like to see my boys,
or Emma, for that matter,
do this for real...out in the *wild*?
But this *seemed* safe.
And it was Fun!
This Mum truly hopes with all her heart that
her children don't get bitten by this bug!
Here's Austin at the tippy top of one of the walls...
see the instructor waaay below holding the ropes?
Fraser at the top of the *beginner's* wall...
it was a gradual slope.
Fraser *free-climbing*...
they were allowed to climb without the ropes
up to 12 feet off the floor.
This wall required a little muscle...
it sloped backward ~ Austin really had to grip with
his fingers and toes to climb it!
Emma repelling back down ~ Wheee!
Austin and Calvin doing a little *free-climbing*...
Notice that there are no photos of me?
I kept my feet firmly planted on the ground
and enjoyed it very much.
Thankful this Monday for many things ~
some of which are listed below.
#1001 to #1022 on my list of endless gifts...the list of endless thanks ~
~ Homeschool families to do fun outings with
~ That most of the things I worry about never come to pass
~ That the children get to do field trips together!
~ New experiences for our family
~ Reading "A Christmas Carol" by Dickens aloud to the children...
and them asking me to "please, read just a little bit more!"
~ Slowly, but surely, getting things done
~ Most of the family is better from our recent illness
~ Howie is no longer needing to be in bed (sickest he's been in years)!
~ Howie is gaining back the weight he lost...
he didn't need to lose any!
~ For dry and clear roads for our recent journey South for a
Christmas gathering with family
~ For the border guard waving us through without requiring us to pay duty
~ For cheaper gas to fill up just before coming back into Canada
~ For a day of rest
~ For sweet Soren
(my cousin's one year old baby boy...adorable)
~ That Soren reached for me and gave me a BIG hug...
~ Aunts and cousins and a Grandpa who value family times
~ Clear skies and fresh snow on the mountains
~ Getting to the bottom of the laundry pile
~ Getting to the bottom of the ironing pile
~ Sorting out clothes to give away
~ New clothes to put away
~ Provisions...God is so good!
Wow! That looks intense. I think I would be too afraid to do that. I did it once in high school and was totally terrified! My kids would be all over it though!
You are one brave Mum, Camille! I don't know if I would have been able to watch my kids climb those walls.
Enjoyed your list...especially #1022..Provisions...God is so good!
I'm sorry that all of you have been ill. Glad to know that you are back on the road to recovery.
What a great achievement for them all! Standing behind the camera is my idea of a fun day too LOL!
What FUN pictures!!! I used to rock climb - in the "wild!" I had a great group of friends and we used to go on Sunday afternoons - ahhh....such fun and scary times! I still have my harness...
What a great way to build their self esteem, and their muscles, lol. looks like they had a great time.
Have a great afternoon.
I too would be right there beside ya...heights, no thank you. Felt weak in the knees just looking at your photos LOL...I do NOT do heights very well.
But looks like your kiddos had a wonderful time.
Stacie ~ I think the younger they are, the less fear they have! I have never had the opportunity to do anything like it, and now that I am *old*, it is not something I am scrambling to do! LOL! Good for you to have given it a try! :)
Dianna ~ I had no idea what we were getting into! It was a bit overwhelming at first...but I didn't tell the kids that ~ LOL! Thank you for your kind words about our illness...what a blessing to know the LORD is in control of everything! Isn't it wonderful to be in HIS hands? :)
Julze ~ Welcome! I couldn't agree with you more! Fun times. :)
Jennifer ~ What an adventurous girl! I could imagine you doing the *real* rock climbing thing!! What worries you must have put your Mom through!! :)
Jill ~ Yes, the muscles were put to the test that day! It certainly builds core strength...if given the chance to! LOL! :)
Treasures ~ Yes, the floor is sometimes the safest place to be...although I do enjoy a good rollercoaster ride! LOL! :)
Thank you all for stopping by! It is a blessing to hear from you!
I'm with you, Camille! I'll stay with my feet firmly planted on the ground! My youngest daughter, though, loves to rock climb. She and her husband built a small one on the side of their garage for her to "play" on!
Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas here without at least one version of Dickens! Whether the book, or one of the many movies. He is my absolute favorite author! And A Christmas Carol is one of his best!
Christmas Blessings!
Oh yeah, I'm good with planting my feet on the ground too... except, they do make it look REALLY fun! (Things to do before I'm 40, hmmmm... :)
Glad you're all feeling better!
Now feed that skinny husband some of your delicious food you always display on here :)
Looks like what boys would consider an awesome outing! I bet they loved it, sore muscles and all.
Sorry to hear you've been sick, but glad you're all well now!
Have a blessed day preparing for Christmas today:)
Raeann ~ Oh I couldn't agree with you more on Dickens...he really was a brilliant author! And wow...you have a girl who likes to rock climb!? Crazy, I think! What a blessing that you seem to be so calm about it. :)
Heather ~ I spoke too soon on the *all better*...Calvin and Fraser are both down with it now...not out of the woods yet! But, again, it is such a blessing to know that the LORD ordains each thing that comes into our lives...how Wonderful HE is!!
Teresa ~ It was a fun outing, that is for sure! Thank you for your kind encouragement whenever you visit. May the LORD bless you as you prepare for CHRISTmas around your home too!! What a blessing to know the REAL reason for celebrating! :)
Blessings to you each one!
In His Love,
I used to LOVE rock climbing, both in the wild and in a gym. It makes me wonder if I could still hack it now. Many of the things that I used to do in my tomboy days, I have chickened out on now... I still remember bouldering and breaking my toe in Colorado.
I think it would be more terrifying to watch my kids do it since I have no control over them and the outcome of their climb when I'm not the one doing it. :)
Beautiful list. As always, I'm blessed to read gratitude lists!
Looks like fun!!! I'm sure your kids had a great time!
Wonderful photos!! I would have been like you too-my feet firmly planted on the ground!!
Glad you are feeling better. I had a great time in Georgia but the trip went by way too fast!
Blessings and hugs.
Looks like fun! This was one of the things to do that came up at our local homeschool group's last planning meeting. Our local university has a climbing wall. So glad you guys got the opportunity! It is so much harder than it looks.
Heather ~ It's lovely that you stopped by...thank you for your thoughtful comment! How brave you are to have done this in the wild!! I agree with you about the not having control...but then, do we ever...really?? :) And yes, gratitude lists are wonderful!!
Jenn ~ Some did and some didn't...interesting to see the personalities of the children emerge in situations like this! Those who didn't are planning to try to enjoy it more next time. :)
Linda ~ Lovely to hear from you again...welcome home!! Oh, doesn't the time always fly by way too quickly when we are with loved ones on holiday?? :)
Jackie ~ How fun! Are you going to do this too? I would imagine it is difficult, but aren't children amazing to adapt to these things?? I enjoyed just taking the photos. :)
Blessings to you each one!
In His Love,
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