Tempted to *throw in the towel*.
Times when I wonder if I should give it all up.
After all,
I have reached 1000.
That was the goal.
In the course of regular, daily living,
I remind myself that these are the things to treasure.
These are the moments to *keep*.
So, I....
Keep on counting.
Keep on numbering.
Most importantly, I...
Keep on noticing.
Don't Quit.
Noticing all the little things.
All the moments and fleeting treasures of today.
All too soon,
they will be history.
In the past.
Treasure up the the sights,
the sounds...the silence.
Treasure up the imperfect.
Treasure up the ordinary.
Treasure up the beautiful.
Treasure up the important.
Don't miss the moments.
In the flurry of life.
In the bustle of activity.
In the frantic pace to *get it all done*.
Don't miss out.
Continuing to number.
I am past the *required* 1000,
but I don't want to quit.
Do you mind if I keep it up?
Maybe you will join me soon?
I would *LOVE* to hear about it if you do!
So, the numbering of the gifts continues,
and in the numbering there is joy.
1132. The near-all-nighter deadline is behind us!
1133. When things come together
1134. God ALWAYS answers prayer ~
Not always how we want HIM to...
but ALWAYS for our good and HIS glory!
1135. The dishwasher ~
Again, and again, and again! :)
1136. That the children underline and mark in their
own Bibles when the Word speaks to their hearts ~
1137. Waking up to more white ~ So beautiful!
1138. Late Christmas greetings still trickling in ~
Love it! (Written at the fist part of January)
1139. A husband who does not complain about his food
and is easy to please.
1140. That I could get Calvin's RC Helicopter fixed for free!
1141. $25.00 Slippers on sale for $7.00!
1142. A basement couch to sort laundry on ~ Love it!
1143. Being accountable
1144. 100 Days Calendar and the beginnings of progress
1145. Another week of reporting done. :)