Ease of operation.
I'm trying to do things in
a straightforward and streamlined way.
Saves the sanity.
Yogurt is a necessary part of the
healing process for
Crohn's Disease
according to the book
"Breaking the Vicious Cycle".
I never thought I would make yogurt.
It was not on my radar.
Not, that is, until this happened.
I'm trying to do things in
a straightforward and streamlined way.
Saves the sanity.
Yogurt is a necessary part of the
healing process for
Crohn's Disease
according to the book
"Breaking the Vicious Cycle".
I never thought I would make yogurt.
It was not on my radar.
Not, that is, until this happened.
to facilitate healing for our child.
Part of that is making yogurt.
In an effort to keep things simple,
I bought a yogurt maker.
I try to stay away from plastic as much as
possible, so I bought the glass jar that fits the yogurt maker.
I also buy the starters 12 boxes at a time.
The method is simple.
You heat the required amount of milk (1 litre or 2)
in a pot to simmering.
It should be 180 degrees ~ use a thermometer.
Then plunge the pot into a sink of cold water.
Stir while the milk cools ~
it should be lower than 100 degrees.
Mix about 1/2 cup of milk into the starter.
(Use 5 grams of starter for 1 litre
and 10 grams of starter for 2 litres)
Whisk it until dissolved.
Add the remaining milk and stir well.
Pour into your yogurt maker liner.
Lower into the yogurt maker.
Make sure you put water in the yogurt maker up
to the lower line for a 1 litre batch and the upper
line for a 2 litre batch.
Put the lid of the yogurt maker on.
Plug it in.
Let it sit on your counter
fermenting for at least 24 hours,
but no longer than 32 hours.
(This longer incubation time
is to produce a lactose-free yogurt ~
Important for the *SCD).
If you do not require a lactose-free product,
your incubation time will be about 12 hours.
Once the time is up,
remove the yogurt batch
from the yogurt maker and
set gently in the fridge for 8 hours to cool.
To serve, spoon some yogurt into a bowl,
drizzle with a little honey
and add berries to taste.
You will have probiotics in a bowl ~
what a fabulous way to incorporate them into the diet! :)
Do you make yogurt?
Would you like to begin?
I'd enjoy hearing your yogurt stories.
Many blessings,
*SCD ~ Specific Carbohydrate Diet
as explained in "Breaking the Vicious Cycle"
It looks delicious Camille! I have never made yogurt, but would like to try some day! :)
Hi Camille!
Yep! I make yogurt. I started about a year ago when I started buying raw milk. Hubby takes yogurt in his lunch everyday and store bought was just getting so expensive. So I gave it a try. I make mine in a food dehydrator that is basically the same as a yogurt maker only with hot air instead of hot water. :~D And my 'starter' is plain organic yogurt. Check out my Pantry blog if you want to take a peek at my version.
So glad your boy is on his way to recovery with the aid of his sweet mamma!
Be Blessed this week, my friend!
I love to eat yogurt and buy a certain brand. I've not made yogurt. Thought about it though. I'm sure it's good!
Yep! I'm a yogurt maker! I have a yogurt maker that makes 7- 7oz jars (glass here, too!). MMMMM good!
Dear Nadine ~ It really is super easy when you have all the supplies. My friend makes it with purchased yogurt for the starter and incubates it in her oven! I took the *easy* way out. :)
Dear Raeann ~ How fun that you make yogurt for your hubby...I am sure he appreciates it! :) Thank you for the invite to your pantry...your way sounds much more economical than mine. The LORD bless you too!
Dear Becky ~ It is super duper yummy...I'm sure you would enjoy it very much! :)
Dear Jenn ~ How fun that you are into this too. What a blessing for your family. My maker cooks me up 8 cups at a time...that would be similar to yours. We go through it super fast...I'm sure you do too! :)
Many blessings,
Camille I have found yoghurt to be good for all kinds of intestinal complaints and I think the health benefits are amazing. Yoghurt on my oatmeal with cranberries, syrup, pecans. Mmmmmmm:) You are an inspiration to mums as you take an interest in making healthy foods for your kids! Bless you, Pippa
Dear Pippa ~ Your breakfast sounds soooooo yummy!! I'll be right over...LOL! ;-) Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement...you are a blessing! Have a terrific day.
In HIS Love,
Hi Camille,
I make yogurt here in Niamey, not the volume you do, though... I start with a cup of plain unsweetened yogurt that I buy in the market for about a dollar. then I add one cup of warm water, two cups of milk powder and one more cup of tepid water. I stir it together in a glass casserole dish with a glass lid and put it in my gas oven with the pilot light on. The next morning I have a bowl full of yogurt. I save one cup of it for my next starter and the kids usually put it on their granola for breakfast. VERY EASY!!
Love you, Janice
So lovely to hear from you on the blog Janice!! Please email me your email address...I would love to keep in touch that way. :) How wonderful that you have found a way to make yogurt all the way over there. What a blessing!
Much Love to you!
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