A state of mind.
A state of the heart.
All gifts come from the LORD.
We owe HIM the thanks.
I'm ashamed to say there are
times when I am unthankful.
When I grumble and complain.
It makes me think of the children
of Israel and their complaining nature.
How it grieved the LORD.
How I grieve HIM.
Oh that the LORD would help me
to learn to give HIM thanks
in every situation.
This is a beginning...
It's Monday...
I continue to count.
1411. The ice cream attachment
for my Kitchenaid! ~
A Mother's Day gift. :)
1412. 50 lbs of grass-only beef
delivered to the door and now in the freezer
1413. Provisions...over and over and over again!
1414. That our son with Crohn's Disease is on the road to recovery ~
Blessings upon blessings.
1415. Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream ~
Oh. Dear. Me!
1416. Homeschool and its benefits
1417. Three lanes open through the tunnel
during rush hour AND the HOV lane.
1418. That my fight with the sardine tin
was not any worse
1419. Lavender Oil
1420. Quick healing and no infection
1421. A little helper who does things like this...
without any prompting by me...
1422. A built-in babysitter
1423. A cell phone ~
just *in case*
1424. That my family LIKES
waffles for dinner
1425. Messes that I didn't make and
reminding myself sadly that it won't always be like this!
My journal sits on my counter.
I list as events unfold.
Sometimes many all at once,
and other times in a trickle.
Would you like to begin?
Just grab a pen and a journal,
set them out on the counter,
and list out your blessings.
Find the joy in the moments ~
As they arrive.
Enjoy the journey!
Many Blessings,
I really liked your comments on thankfulness, and your list!
A fight with a sardine can, huh? Sounds painful! I'm sorry you got hurt.
I always look forward to your Thankfulness Journal Camille :) There are so many blessings, every moment of every day! One of mine is meeting wonderful new friends via the internet :)
Have a blessed day!
I know just want you mean. Sometimes I too feel as though I am one of the grumbling children of Israel when I have so much to be thankful for. Thank you for the constant reminder to give thanks to the One who gives us every good and perfect gift.
Oh lavender oil would most definitely appear on my list too. When I have a tired baby in the evening a few drops in the bath water ensures he goes off to sleep and my bathroom smells wonderful. Notice how the gifts from God don't just serve one purpose and are gifts that keep on giving just like those children He gave you that now in turn give back to you - so lovely that they do such sweet things for you!
Dear Lisa ~ Yes, indeed...the dreaded battle with the sardine tin...I nearly fainted. BUT...all is well and I am nearly fully recovered...such a blessing!! :)
Dear Sharon ~ I'm so glad we have met my friend...you are a blessing in this bloggy world. :)
Dear Jackie ~ Oh what a sobering thought to compare ourselves to the Israelites...but, how often it is true of me!! God is so gracious and forgiving...what a blessing that HE is!! :)
Dear Ann ~ I love the smell of lavender...how wonderful that you use it too. And yes, children truly are a blessing from the LORD...I know you appreciate this truth too. :)
Many blessings,
Can't wait to see some of the recipes you guys come up with now that you have the most awesome ice cream maker attachment in the world, ;) I'm always thankful for homemade ice cream!
Yay for healing!
Oh my goodness--sardine can?
Love the waffle gratitude... but now, I must have some.
Have a good week!
Oh Camille!
I'm sorry ~ but I did chuckle at the sardine tin incident! I had a similar encounter with a 'spam' tin several years ago! Nearly sliced off my thumb, but thankfully we had a surgical assistant friend who lived near by and soon had me fixed up. I was quite painful, though! Hope you are doing well with yours.
So joyously glad to hear your boy with the Crohn's Disease is recovering! God is Good!
And, oh my! I have been thinking about one ove those ice cream attachments for my kitchenaid! Ice cream is my 'one weekness'! ;~P
(Have you ever watched Lark Rise to Candleford?)
Have a beautiful, blessed week, my dear bloggy friend!
I'm glad to hear your child with Crohn's is doing better:) And homemade ice cream with your new attachment--sounds so easy! Your sweet little Emma jogging with her brothers. I bet she kept up well.
I made Spicy Pumpkin Chicken Soup today and thought of you since I think you posted the link to it. Abby ate 2 helpings and everyone liked it!
Thanks for being a blessing to us all with your posts.
Amen so much to be thankful for, and love the new attachments you have, be blessed and be happy.
Dear Jackie ~ Thank you for being happy for me my friend...ice cream is a favourite around here too. :)
Dear Heather ~ Did you get your hands on some almond flour?? They are the easiest and yummiest waffles ever! I hope you do give them a try. :)
Dear Raeann ~ Your situation (with the spam tin) was much worse than mine! Oh, I can only imagine!! I can see how quickly that can happen!! Thank you for your kind words about our son...the LORD is gracious to us! And...YES...you would *love* that ice cream attachment! There is nothing like homemade ice cream....soooo yummy. :)
Dear Teresa ~ How lovely it is to hear from you! Thank you for visiting and for your sweet encouragement. I trust all is well with you and your family? Have a wonderful week! :)
Dear Barbara ~ Your sweet comment brought a smile to my face...thank you for being a kind friend in this bloggy world. The LORD is so good to us, isn't HE? What a Wonderful Saviour we have! May HE bless you this week! :)
Many blessings to you each one!
In HIS Love,
I sadly say that I, too, murmur sometimes. The Lord has been working on me to be thankful in ALL things. He is so gracious to do this for us, isn't He!?!
I am thankful to hear your son is doing better with Crohn's. I have been in remission for 10 years so it is possible for to have a "normal" life again. I truly believe the Lord healed me...using my pregnancy.
Homemade icecream...oh my! We love it! Have you ever tried butterfinger? Out of this world!!!
Such a sweet blessing to have helpers in your house! You are blessed!!!
Thanks for sharing all these posts, I do enjoy them and the Lord blesses me when I read them! So glad I learned of your blog!!!
Dear Christine ~ You are a sweet encouragement and a blessing in this bloggy-world. :) Isn't it amazing how the LORD knits us together in HIM, although we have never met in person? HE truly is amazing and wonderful...and yes, so Gracious with us! :) It is so wonderful to learn of your remission and how the LORD healed you...such an encouraging testimony...the LORD is always good...no matter what! :)
Many blessings to you!
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