They are *out there*.
But, they are also *in here*.
We listen to them.
We invite them to stay.
It's easier to listen to ourselves ~
To entertain lies rather than Truth.
Truth comes from God's Word.
Have we memorized it?
Hidden it in our hearts?
Does it shape our thinking?
Or are we allowing the World to do that?
Oh, how easy it is to just follow the crowd.
Go with the flow.
Take the *broad road*
rather than the narrow one.
How should our thoughts be formed,
and by Whom?
"...whatsoever things are true,
whatsoever things are honest,
whatsoever things are just,
whatsoever things are pure,
whatsoever things are lovely,
whatsoever things are of good report;
if there be any virtue,
and if there be any praise,
think on these things."
~ Philippians 4:8 ~
Does this describe my thought life?
Too often, I would have to say no.
Only the LORD can give us this perspective.
Only as we fill our minds with Truth can
we be free from the bondage of lies.
"Oh how I love thy law!
it is my meditation all the day.
Thou through thy commandments hast
made me wiser than mine enemies:
for they are ever with me.
I have more understanding than all
my teachers: for thy testimonies
are my meditation."
~ Psalm 119:97-99 ~
Oh that this would be true of me!
May the LORD help us all to value
HIS Word above the *wisdom* of man.
Only by HIS Grace is this possible.
How wonderful it is that HE leads
us so gently along!
Many blessings to you each one!
Good Morning Camille!
Great post! Ouch! My thoughts are not always where they need to be as well, I am a work in progress :) It is easier to 'go with the flow', but then what makes us different as Christians? Why would 'the world' want to bother with us if we are the same? I am so very grateful for the freedom and truth that my Savior has blessed me with. I only pray that I can be pleasing to Him, live a life wholly (and holy :)) for Him and to be effective leading others to Him. Thank you for this post Camille :)
Have a most blessed day in Jesus sweetie! And a wonderful weeked!
Thank you for the reminder Camille!
Dear Camille,
Excellent reminder about the Word of God. Memorizing His Words is something I haven't done in a long while. I would like to get back to it though. How God's Words bring me peace each time, what great blessings! I like the verse that you shared on your post -- Philippians 4:8. How true!
Enjoy your weekend, my friend!
In His Grace,
May that be true of me also ~ may I hide His Word in my heart and follow His wisdom and not mans. Have a blessed day, Camille.
The Holy Spirit has revealed many lies over the last few years that I have believed for a very long time. I'm so glad He is faithful to do this! I know there are other misconceptions I may struggle with daily but as you said, God's Word is where they will be brought into the light and demolished.
Happy Canada Day, Friend!
I appreciated this today Camille. Thank you for honestly sharing your thoughts.
Amen, Camille, Amen!
Dear Sharon ~ Oh yes, my friend...we are all works in progress!! What a blessing that the LORD does not leave us to ourselves!! HE is so good to us! :)
Dear Heather (Farmgirl) ~ Thank you for the encouragement my friend! :)
Dear Sandy ~ Thank you for your sweet and encouraging's always a blessing when you comment! :)
Dear Patty ~ Oh how we need the LORD! What a blessing that HE has given us HIS Word!! How thankful I am that we have it! :)
Dear Heather ~ Ah yes...demolishing those lies! How wonderful it is that the LORD reveals to us HIS Truth through HIS Word...may we always stand firm upon it!! :)
Dear Lisa ~ Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. May the LORD use us all for HIS glory! :)
Dear Raeann ~ Thank you for stopping by and sweetly encouraging my heart today. The LORD is so good to us, isn't HE? :)
For all of my Canadian friends...and I realise that there are quite of few of you...Happy Canada Day!! :)
For those of you who are Americans...Happy 4th to you on Monday!! :)
Many blessings to you each one!
In HIS Love,
YES!!! Amen! I couldn't agree more. Loved this post, Camille!
Beautiful Post. I too am a work in progress and grateful for Grace and mercy every day.
Happy Canada day.
Philippians of my favorites. Kinda like what Thumper's mom said (from Bambi)...."If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
Like Heather, the Lord has been showing me the lies I have believed for years. and replacing them with Words of Life and Healing. Praise the Lord for His Grace and Favour! \0/
Dear Jenn ~ Thank you for your encouragement my friend! How wonderful it is to know that we serve the same Great God! :)
Dear Connie ~ Oh yes! Grace and Mercy are needed here each and every day too! Happy Canada Day! :)
Dear Cindy ~ Yes, and in this case, if you can't THINK something good, then don't think it! Easy to say, hard to least that's how it seems to be for I need the LORD! :)
Dear Julia ~ What a beautiful testimony of God's Goodness to you! Yes, indeed...praise HIM for HIS grace and favour! :)
Many blessings,
H Camille,
thanks for posting this. I really love that verse from Philippians 4:8 for so many reasons. You, it is too easy to believe lies about myself, either coming out of my own mouth or listening to the world. It comes from not spending enough time in the Word. It comes from choosing to believe the world, rather than the truth of God's Word. I could talk so much more about this, but maybe I'll save it for my blog post ;) :) For me, it's a battle sometime. The best way I've found to combat that is to memorize Scripture and quote those Scriptures ev erytime a negative thought comes into my head...lies, that are not spoken :) I'm stupid, I'm fat, I'm not smart etc...Does that make sense? anyways, I really liked this post...and God loves us so very much. It's write there in the pages of His Word for us to read every day :) :) Anyways, I'm not real good at expressing how much I LOVED this post...but I like it :) :) Thanks for always sharing the truth, Camille ;) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :) :)
p.s. Did you have a nice Canada Day? What do you do to celebrate?
So beautiful! My prayer recently has been to stop believing the lies the enemy plants in my heart! Your words are so encouraging tonight!
Great post Camille, I enjoy reading them all! :-) Not sure what part of Canada you r in, but my husband was just on a business trip to Newfoundland in which I posted some pictures. Beautiful are, but very remote! Have a lovely weekend!
Amen, amen, AMEN! I'm watching someone dear to me in the midst of a crisis turn to lies as though they are truth - the wolf in sheep's clothing waiting to devour! Praying TRUTH sets her free - and praying that God would open her eyes to trusting in the Son. To not trust in man's counterfeit explanations, but the abiding Word of God. This seems to be a theme I'm seeing a lot lately...
Ugh, my absence from the bloggy world has been a good one, but I sure miss you! Please know that I think about you many times more than I comment or email...and I'm glad to peak over here this morning and, albeit late, be encouraged. Blessings on you this morning!
Love from NM!
Dear Heather in Oregon ~ Thank you for your encouraging words...I'm so glad it blessed your heart. Yes, God's Word is Wonderful and HE is Wonderful!! How Precious HE is!! :) Canada Day is celebrated with parades and fireworks...just on a smaller scale than July 4th...but, we love our country too! Thanks for asking. Happy 4th to you! :)
Dear Michelle ~ I'm so glad! May the LORD indeed help you in this battle...continue to look to HIM! :)
Dear Jill ~ I have never been to Newfoundland...or even anywhere past Ontario...we live in the West! How interesting that your husband was there on business...yes, it is remote! :)
Dear Tami ~ How dreadful it is to watch someone dear to us believe the enemy of our souls...the Father of Lies...oh that the LORD would set your friend free! I will pray for her right now. As always, it is lovely to hear from you...I completely understand about the need for a break...I think of you often too! :)
Many blessings to you each one!
In HIS Love,
What a beautiful post and just perfect timing for me to be reading it. Our pastor preached the most amazing sermon yesterday on Genesis 3 and I've been pondering over and over again how we all keep falling for the same lies over and over again.
Thank you for reminders to once again turn to Jesus who IS truth and to his WORD!!!!! True freedom is found only in Him and in filling myself with His words...
Dear Heather in AZ ~ Thank you for your sweet encouragement! How wonderful God's Word is! I *love* it that as soon as the Gospel was needed it was given (Genesis 3:15)...AMAZING!!! I'm so glad to hear that you were blessed with such a wonderful message yesterday...the LORD is so good to us, isn't HE? :)
Many blessings,
Phillipians 4:8, is one of my life verses. It is my standard for my media choices, books, the things I say in my head and outloud.
Such wonderful advice. The Lord bless you! It looks like you had fun on your trip, too.
Dear Stacie ~ What an encourager you are! Yes, indeed...the standard for our thoughts and words and what we *feed* our hearts with! Many blessings to you my friend!
Great post! This is something I've been talking about to my kids a lot lately. So important for us all to remember!
Dear Jackie ~ How wonderful that you are teaching your children these things while they are young my will never regret that!! The LORD is so good to us, isn't HE? :)
Love to you!
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