Living fully engaged.
IN the moment.
Travelling back in time.
All the way back to the
days before computers.
At least to the days before
MY computer.
Living according to HIS plan
for me ~
Just. This. Day.
By HIS Grace.

I'm taking a little hiatus
from email, gmail, internet,
blogging ~
online anything.
Just a little break from this.
But, not forever ~
Just for about a month.
This means that any comments
you may choose to leave
will be published at the end of
my time away from this screen.
At that time, my plan is to
reconnect with all of you.
Thank you for understanding!
(I do *L*O*V*E* to hear from you ~
Please let me know that you stopped by.)
If you have my phone number,
please feel free to call ~
Let's get together! :)
In the meantime,
I'd like to leave you with a beautiful
passage of Scripture ~
"The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
The LORD make his face shine upon thee,
and be gracious unto thee:
The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee,
and give thee peace."
~ Numbers 6:24-26 ~
See you in about a month ~
In HIS Love,
**Photo credit ~ Calvin
IN the moment.
Travelling back in time.
All the way back to the
days before computers.
At least to the days before
MY computer.
Living according to HIS plan
for me ~
Just. This. Day.
By HIS Grace.
I'm taking a little hiatus
from email, gmail, internet,
blogging ~
online anything.
Just a little break from this.
But, not forever ~
Just for about a month.
This means that any comments
you may choose to leave
will be published at the end of
my time away from this screen.
At that time, my plan is to
reconnect with all of you.
Thank you for understanding!
(I do *L*O*V*E* to hear from you ~
Please let me know that you stopped by.)
If you have my phone number,
please feel free to call ~
Let's get together! :)
In the meantime,
I'd like to leave you with a beautiful
passage of Scripture ~
"The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
The LORD make his face shine upon thee,
and be gracious unto thee:
The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee,
and give thee peace."
~ Numbers 6:24-26 ~
See you in about a month ~
In HIS Love,
**Photo credit ~ Calvin
Will miss you but I know how it is with the summer and blogging can take it's toll. But it's ok and you will feel much better. Look forward to reading your posts again! Hugs and have a great summer! God bless!
Dear Camille,
Enjoy those last lazy, hazy days of summer with that beautiful family of yours. Enjoy making memories and I will still be here when you return! I'm also giving much thought to my own relationship with technology and the amount of time it consumes and making some adjustments. I believe the Lord may be convicting more than just one or two of us when I read the comments in your 'technology' post.
Thank you for sharing your heart.
I love that passage from Numbers ~ thanks for sharing it. Look forward to hearing from you when you return. Blessings.
Have a wonderful time away.
Love the scriptures.
Enjoy your time away from the computer :) :) That photo is absolutely gorgeous. I really love that Scripture. In fact, one of the church's I used to attend, our pastor would have our whole congregation sing that together at the end of each service ;) :) Just wonderful :) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :) :) :)
I look forward to catching up with you in a months time, Camille. Enjoy your summer and computer-free time :-)
What a wonderful refreshing time that will be. You enjoy every single moment!
I will be sending you a note soon~
Love that scripture! Thank you for sharing.
Will miss you in Blogland, but hope you have a great break! God Bless, Jackie
Love you , Camille.
Have a wonderful break.
May the Lord grant you His peace and wisdom and blessing during this time. Happy Summer!
Enjoy your break Camille! I'll be waiting for your return. :-)
Many blessings,
Have a wonderful time! I know I always feel great after a break. I'll chat with you in a month!
Camille, Bless you and your time unplugged. I hope it's a sweet time. I heart your words – but there are plenty here to read – time away is a good thing sometimes. God bless and keep you and each and every one of yours as you live each day intentionally – by. His. Grace.
Hi sweet friend, I just stopped by to say hello. I've missed visiting with you this summer.
I am creating a new series of articles call the Frugal Kitchen that I hope to begin posting soon. I am using many of my Grandmother and mother's ideas for the articles. I am looking forward to sharing these.
I hope all is well with you and your family.
God Bless,
Dear sweet friend,
I just stopped by to say hello and I hope you are doing well this summer.
God bless,
Dear Becky ~ Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. I trust your summer has been a lovely time of refreshment too. :)
Dear Ann ~ How disciplined we must be in all of life...not just in this area. God is so gracious with us, isn't He? Thank you for your encouragment as always. :)
Dear Patty ~ How wonderful God's Word is! We are so blessed that He has given it to us, aren't we? Thank you for your friendship. :)
Dear Connie ~ Thank you so much! It has been such a blessing to take time to *regroup*. :)
Dear Heather in Oregon ~ How lovely that you sang those words together as a congregation...I *love* Scripture set to is a wonderful way to memorize it. Thank you for your encouragement here. :)
Dear Julia ~ Thank you so much! It has been a blessing to take a break. :)
Dear Cinnamon ~ I appreciate you! Thank you for your sweet arrived some time ago. I'm so pleased that your husband is safely home with you and your family...what a blessing!! :)
Dear Jackie ~ How lovely it is to be *missed*...thank you. I trust you have had a wonderful summer? :)
Dear Heather in Canada ~ How wonderful it has been to gain a fresh perspective...God is so good to us, isn't He? Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement my friend. :)
Dear Jill ~ I trust you have had a lovely summer with your family. Thank you for your kind words...they are a blessing. :)
Dear Jenn ~ A break is a good thing...I know you understand! I trust you have had a lovely summer too? :)
Dear Craig ~ Yes, HIS grace alone! How precious HE is!! Thank you for your kind words. :)
Dear Donna ~ How lovely it is to hear from you...thank you for stopping by. I will enjoy reading your thoughts on the frugal kitchen...very timely for us all I am sure! :)
Many blessings to you each one!
In Him,
Like your pictures! Come and see my blog giveaway!!
Welcome Savories! Lovely to *meet* you. :) Thank you for the invitation to visit you and for your sweet compliment...I will try to get over to your place soon.
Many blessings,
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