Another Monday of rejoicing in His blessings is upon us! How blessed we are to give thanks and recognize the tracings of His hand in everything. Really, we are nothing without Him ~ He sustains us by the Word of His Power. God's blessings bring joy and we rejoice in Him!
"Rejoice in the Lord alway, and again, I say rejoice."
Philippians 4:4
And the numbering continues...
282. Thoughtful gift of an "old" picture of the boys in a sweet frame ~ memories!

283. Austin ~ near man...forever my "baby"! :)

284. Calvin's brown eyes ~ a novelty since all my family (growing up) has blue!

285. Fraser's boy-ish freckles and cheerful smile ~ complete with Olympics tatoos :)

286. Emma quietly reading her "chapter book" ~ a new adventure being discovered...
"Rejoice in the Lord alway, and again, I say rejoice."
Philippians 4:4
And the numbering continues...
282. Thoughtful gift of an "old" picture of the boys in a sweet frame ~ memories!
283. Austin ~ near man...forever my "baby"! :)
284. Calvin's brown eyes ~ a novelty since all my family (growing up) has blue!
285. Fraser's boy-ish freckles and cheerful smile ~ complete with Olympics tatoos :)
286. Emma quietly reading her "chapter book" ~ a new adventure being discovered...
288. Flowers gifted by a friend ~ so thoughtful!
289. Childish moments (without Mummy's consent)...
290. Hockey Dad ~ a blessing to his boys!
291. Chorus of man/boy cheers after a Canuck's goal :)
292. Blonde little girl hair to blow dry
293. Her spontaneous and unprompted singing of "Standing on the Promises"
294. BCAA membership
295. The benefits of said membership when keys were locked in the ignition at a distance from home ~ with all the children in tow :)
Many Blessings,
My Emma loves to read in bed too!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a thoughtful comment! It's always nice to see/meet a new 'face'.
"near man, forever my baby"- oh, yes, my oldest son is 16, this one is near and dear to my heart.
A lovely list! Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog and for sharing your gratitude list. I'm thankful for my brown eyed children, also a rarity in my blue-eyed family.
Thanks for checking out my little corner of the blogosphere! You have a beautiful family. It was wonderful to hear your thankful heart. Lovely blog!
Hi Camille~ Thank you for visiting my blog and your sweet comments. I love your "brown" eyed boy amongst your blue eyes. We have 5 brown eyes (not counting me) and 4 blue eyed children. Papa has green eyes, which we've yet to have a green eyed child. I'm still trying though :-)
Love your blog~
Beautiful Blessings Indeed!
Welcome Stacie ~ How fun that you have an Emma too! :)
Welcome Alison ~ Oh quickly they grow! I wish I would have realised how quickly...maybe I would have cherished it more! :)
Michelle ~ I should have clarified that it was my family growing up that only had blue husband has hazel eyes and therefore we do have a mix. Our daughter is hazel, one son green, the other son blue and then there is the brown eyed boy featured in this post. I guess that makes the blue special! :)
Welcome Natalie ~ Thanks for stopping by! What a blessing it is to keep a thankfulness journal ~ wouldn't you agree? :)
Welcome Cinnamon ~ So nice to "meet" you! I didn't explain the brown eyed thing very well in the post...I've summed it up for Michelle above. :) How fun to have a mix of the colours. Maybe the Lord will give you that green-eyed baby one day! :)
Nadine ~ I do appreciate your faithful comments...they are precious! :)
Oh I should really "preview" before I "publish" sorry Stacey for spelling your name wrong above! :(
Hey Camille! Lovely post, as usual. Sweet photos of the family!
And I got my 1st issue of Answers....thank yo so much!
Cindy ~ Thanks for your sweet comment! AND I'm so glad your Answers arrived...may the Lord use it to be a blessing in your home. :)
Every little girl should have pink walls... I know I LOVED mine :)
Thanks for the vote of confidence Mavis! Those walls were dark green (aka "hunter" green in the day) and after three boys I absolutely couldn't do anything but paint them pink! :) Above the chair rail it's a creamy yellow. VERY girl-ish.
Have a great week my friend!
What wonderful blessings! Thank you for always stopping by my blog and encouraging me with your comments! You are a blessing to me.
Stacie ~ I thank YOU for your friendship! You are a blessing to many. :)
Hello Camille :)
I thoroughly enjoy reading your blessings. We have so very much to be thankful for. God is so gracious and loving isn't He? :)
Have a blessed evening and thank you for thinking of me, I am feeling much better :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog Camille! I'm glad you did because now I get to enjoy yours! I loved the photo of Emma reading. What a great shot. The picture of Fraser reminded me of myself. When I was young I had freckles across my nose and cheeks. I have blue eyes and fair skin as well. Anyway, you have a lovely family and blog. I shall return!
Missed your beautiful words, music and comments while I was away :)
Have a great night!
Stephani ~ Welcome! I'm glad you stopped is lovely to "meet" you! Thanks for your sweet comments...they made me smile. :)
Heather ~ I missed you while you were away too! I'm glad you got to take a vacation wonderful! :)
Sharon ~ I'm sorry...I just realised I hadn't replied to you yet! YES!! God is so gracious and loving with blessed we truly are! AND...I am so glad you are feeling better...that's great! :)
We love our magazine! Thanks!
One of my spelling words was rejoice!
Wow. Almost every time I learn something new, (even though this wod isn't new to me) I ALWAYS see it somewhere else, or hear someone say it in a movie or something!
P.S. For homework and just for fun, my sister and I read in our beds too!
By the way, now our family knows abotu five Emmas!
Crazy eh!
Meghan ~ I am so glad you are enjoying the magazine! :) I'm not surprised you know so many Emma's...they are everywhere ~ but we love ours best! Rejoice is a wonderful word...ponder that one for awhile.
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