Does the thought that Christmas Day is just a little more than
EIGHT weeks away cause despair to rise within you?
It shouldn't.
What is the Christmas season all about, anyway?
Perhaps, before we go any further, we should
refocus on what really matters.
And then ~
make a little plan.
And stick to it!
This post is all about the gifts.
Ideas for those on a budget ~
Aren't we ALL on a budget?
Hopefully there is something here for everyone.
Enjoy the journey.
It is a joy to give.
And it really IS the thought that counts...
not the $$$ spent!
Give a little love this Christmas.
And be ready to share the
REAL Gift of Love with others.

Everyone loves a
personalized Gift Basket.
Tailor it to suit the one you are
planning to give it to,
and be prepared for a joyful response.
Gift baskets can be put together in a small bowl,
large basket, and everything in between.
I have even had one of these given to
me in a laundry basket ~ when our girl was born.
Use your imagination and have fun!
What you see in the basket above are some homemade
goodies from my kitchen.
Caramel Corn and jam are two of the items included.
Give what your recipient wouldn't
normally make for themselves.

Begin a
Library of Quality books for a young person in your life.
Faith-Building Audio Drama for kids (and their parents)
is a wonderful idea for a family with children
from age six to twelve (and beyond).
Focus on the Family Radio Theatre is WONDERFUL for any family ~ for all ages!
There are, of course, certain stories that
the very young would be frightened by,
but you are quite safe with
titles such as "Little Women",
"Anne of Green Gables" and "Silas Marner".
I cannot tell you how much we have enjoyed these ~
over and over and over again!

How about something sweet for neighbours,
family and friends?
Caramel Corn is something not many can refuse.
And packaged up pretty,
it is a welcome hostess or teacher gift.

Another neighbour or teacher gift is the
Gift in a Mug".
Pretty and economical...
as long as it is hand-assembled, of course!

For little people on your list ~
I cannot recommend
these sweet books highly enough!
An "Answers" Magazine Subscription would be a great blessing for any family on your list.
The material presented is from a Biblical Worldview
and is a wonderful tool to fortify every member
within that home.
We ALL *love* to find the next installment
in our mailbox.
If you have NO MONEY to spend on gifts...
take heart!
There are MANY ways to show love and give of
what you DO have to loved ones.
Some of your TIME.
What about a coupon booklet?
Handmade by you?
Custom designed and hand-written.
Make coupons for things such as these ~
"I will clean your car one the date!"
"I will take you to..."
"Date night IN...leave all the details to me!"
"I will bake your favourite...anytime you ask!"
"I will read your favourite book to you one afternoon"
"We will go to the park and swing on the swings..."
"Good for one day of housecleaning!"
"Free babysitting one night while you go out."
The possibilities are ENDLESS!
Then...make sure YOU keep track of what you've
promised to do and keep the recipient of your coupons
accountable to take you up on it!
Remember to take time to enjoy
this time of year.
The LORD is not honoured by
our overdoing it ~
Who are we aiming to please anyway?
May this Christmas Season be full
of love and joy and peace ~
And may the Lord Jesus Christ
be at the center of it all!
Blessings to each of you!
In His Love,