Our home was a stepping stone to something better.
Or so we thought. We didn't realise what a gift it was.
We had absolutely no intention of staying long term.
In fact, we never planned to move in at all.
Thankfully, our plans very often are not God's.
In light of all these things, we didn't document our home in its before state.
We lived life and sought to make memories of family times.
When we ventured into our renovation, we took a few before photos
for posterity's sake. Even those seemed to be an afterthought.
Some things still need to be attended to. Other things need tweaking.
Doors and mouldings that require a coat of paint still wait for it to be done.
The odd window remains un-curtained. It is how it is.
We'll get to it eventually. The bulk of the work is done.
We are thankful to be on this side of it all.
For evidence of the tweaking and adjusting we continue to do
Now, on to the before and after shots of the only home our
children have ever known. We realise what a gift it is now.
This was our kitchen for nearly nine years.
This is the same view today.
Creamy white appliances (note the fridge) were what we originally installed.
One by one they have needed replacing. (They don't make things like they used to.)
It took me nearly six months to decide to switch to stainless
when I was told that creamy white was no longer available.
The fridge (at 11 years old) is the hold out.
Perhaps it will last another ten. I hope so. :)
One by one they have needed replacing. (They don't make things like they used to.)
It took me nearly six months to decide to switch to stainless
when I was told that creamy white was no longer available.
The fridge (at 11 years old) is the hold out.
Perhaps it will last another ten. I hope so. :)
The pony wall (above). And, now (below).
Looking from inside the kitchen toward the back sundeck.
Looking down from the front entry through
to the back of the house.
The basement bath is on
the other side of the photo wall.
This is how it looks today.
The tenant's living room/office/playroom/schoolroom/office/schoolroom.
(Listed in order of the many functions it served over the years.)
How it was in 2009.
How it looks today.

The view from outside the laundry-room door looking in.
Then (during the demolition of the deck above)...
and now. From the outside of the house looking in.
Howie and my Dad rebuilding the laundry room/office.
Here it is gutted....
...as the schoolroom in 2012...
...and, as Howie's office today.
Basement bath in the process of being dismantled...
...and being rebuilt.
This is how it looks now.
Our front deck area then...
...and what it is today.
When I first embarked on this series,
I had no idea that it would end up being so long.
Thank you for joining with me as I travelled down memory lane!
It's been fun to have you along for the ride.
Happy Thursday Y'all. :)
With Love, Camille
**Previous posts in this series may be found by
clicking here (introduction),
Y'all have some serious remodeling skills, that's a pretty amazing transformation. Your place went from a house to a cozy, inviting home. It was fun looking at all the photos of the process. Blessings to you
Oh Wow Again!!! it is just beautiful. I am amazed at all the before and afters. Great job you two! Now is that a for sale sign in the bottom picture? Thanks for sharing Camille, I sure you must have felt the work all over again as you posted these posts.. haha.
There might still be things to be done - isn't there always when owning a home- but the result you've accomplished is beautiful, warm and cosy. A real home of love and welcome!
What a difference - lovely!
Lovely!!! You have done so much work!!! You have it looking Wonderful now!!! It is such a lovely home now!! God bless
What a lovely home! Especially your kitchen...just beautiful!
Wow!! How beautiful.. and I know it's true. Good things take time. Hard work and perseverance. You did it and you know it too!
This was so fun to read.
So lovely, Camille! Thank you for sharing!
Maryann ~ Yours is probably the sweetest compliment ever....house to home! Thank you for joining me in reminiscing. Hugs to you! :)
Pam ~ It was so much easier to recount it all rather than go through it again. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. And, no....that was the sign for the roofing company....we are not selling. I have since replaced the photo with no signs in it. :)
Angela ~ Your words bless my heart...thank you so much! You are right....home ownership is synonymous with tweaking and adjusting. :)
Patty ~ Thank you for your kind words! Hugs. :)
Kelly ~ Welcome! Thank you for your sweet encouragement. Truly...the Lord is so very good to us, isn't He? Hugs to you. :)
Anonymous ~ Thank you for your kind comment. Hugs! :)
Bevy ~ Yes, time....and sweat and tears....but, the Lord gives the grace and strength. Thank you for encouraging my heart. :)
Melissa ~ Your sweet words bless my heart. Hugs to you. :)
With love,
A beautiful home filled with God and filled with love. What more could anyone want? Blessings to you my friend!
I really felt like I was there with you peeking in to each room. Thanks for the tour. Such a cozy place you have.
I love it. All of it. The changes over the years and how it looks today are just wonderful. What fun it must have been to put it all together.
Beautiful changes so bright and cheery
Down on the Farm ~ Aww...thank you so much for your sweet encouragement. I agree...we are so blessed because we have HIM! Hugs to you. :)
Nikki ~ Thank you for coming along for the ride my friend. Your sweet words blessed my heart...thank you! Hugs! :)
Cinnamon ~ It was certainly more fun to just recount it all in this format rather than re-live it. On this side of it all it's easy to forget what we actually did. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. Hugs to you! :)
Barbara ~ Thank you so much for your sweet words! Hugs. :)
With Love,
Camille!! What an amazing transformation! I am in awe!! It's like looking at the pages of a magazine! You have a gift my friend!! This was such a fun series of posts. Thanks for putting it here for us to enjoy with you. I love it!
Job well done!!! I loved this post! It doesn't even look like the same house. Simply amazing! Love your style. Such a warm and comfortable looking house now :)
I so, so love all the before and afters!!! The transformation is amazing!!! :)
Esther ~ You are super sweet to me my friend....thank you for your kind words! :)
Jackie ~ Your words bless my heart....thank you so much! :)
Katy ~ Hang in there....all your hard work will pay off! I think you have made such a cosy home for your family. :)
With Love,
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