Thai food is a favourite in our home.
Since coconut milk is often found in the recipes,
dessert is optional. A good thing, really.
I gave this soup a try last night.
And tonight, I made it again. It is that good.
Rave reviews all around. SO yummy!
I had roasted chicken meat in the freezer.
Please tell me you have some, too?

Coconut milk and Thai curry paste are necessary ingredients.
Run out and get them if they are not already in
your pantry. Now you are set!
Click Here to find the original recipe.
The way I made it is as follows.
First, I used roasted and cut up chicken meat instead
of the tofu. I am not a tofu-lovin' girl. That's just me.
If you love tofu...go for it!
~ Creamy Thai Chicken Soup ~
(Doubled from the original)
2 Leeks ~ cleaned and finely chopped...
white part only (You could also use a
medium-large sized onion)
1 Tbsp coconut oil for frying
1 Package Thai Curry Paste
(50g size) ~ Use two for more *kick* ~
I think I may just do that next time!

2 Tbsp finely chopped fresh ginger
6 cups chicken stock
2 cans coconut milk (400 ml size)
2 Tbsp Sugar ~
I use organic dehydrated cane juice
4 cups chopped roasted chicken meat
8 cups stir fry veggies ~ chopped into bite-sized pieces
(You could use the frozen variety, but I chose to use fresh.
My mix included mushrooms, broccoli, and sweet peppers)
Melt coconut oil (or other type of cooking oil)
in heavy pot and stir fry leeks, ginger, and curry paste
for a few minutes until the leeks become limp.
Add chicken stock,
coconut milk, and sugar. Bring to a boil.
Add chicken meat and veggies.
Return to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered,
until veggies are cooked ~ About ten minutes.
Taste and season with salt, if necessary.
I served ours over a scoop of rice in each bowl.
We ate it like soup with a spoon.
It would be lovely without the rice.
I served it that way to make it go further.
With my children, it was necessary. :)
Happy Soup-ing!
Blessings, Camille