There is no need to fear.
If the LORD is for you,
who can be against you?
First, be sure HE is your LORD ~
and then you can be comforted by the verse below!

~ Isaiah 41:10 ~
"Fear Thou not; for I am with thee;
be not dismayed; for I am thy God;
I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee;
yea, I will uphold thee with the
right hand of my righteousness."
Holy Bible
If the LORD is for you,
who can be against you?
First, be sure HE is your LORD ~
and then you can be comforted by the verse below!
~ Isaiah 41:10 ~
"Fear Thou not; for I am with thee;
be not dismayed; for I am thy God;
I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee;
yea, I will uphold thee with the
right hand of my righteousness."
Holy Bible
I had to test that scripture tonight. my oldest son wrecked his motor bike tonight, and i had to go pick him up at the hospital.. but he surely had angels with him... he lost control in the rain. He got a broken wrist, fractured collar bone, broken toes and stitches over his eye...thank the lord he was fine,, and i told him he can thank me for all the praying i been doing since he got that dumb bike, but God was with him. it could of been a lot worse..
thanks for the scripture.. and the confirmations..
talk to ya again soon.
Dear Karen ~ Oh. Dear. Me.!! How precious it is to rest in the LORD and HIS Sovereign control over everything! So sorry to hear that this happened, but SO thankful that it turned out so well ~ all things considered! We will be praying for your family tonight at family devotions.
Hi Camille, I think my dad and I have been struggling with fear the last couple days.. We might be called back to work for the Christmas season, which would be great. However, we're seeing some business practices going on lately that cause us to question the company's reliability. In any case, it's scary sometimes not knowing when we'll be working again...but then we're reminded of how God brought us through much worse situations..and He'll continue to be there. We're making a conscious effort not to worry..and to trust God. OH,I do have a bit of a headache tonight...but I loved this post. YOur photo is gorgeous too!!! Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)
I love these verses! Thank you for sharing them.
Steve is doing great! I'm so thankful. God has taught me so many lessons in fear these past weeks. I am falling in love with Him all over again.
Dear Heather ~ I will add you to our "prayer basket" for your job situation. The LORD is faithful and WILL provide! How WONDERFUL to trust in HIM!
Dear Stacie ~ I am so glad to hear that Steve is doing much better, and that the LORD is teaching you much of HIMSELF!! How precious HE is!!
Camille, this is one of my all time favorite verses. When fear grabs hold of me I say this verse over and over, meditating on its truths.
Dear Jenn ~ I *love* how we can meditate on the TRUTH of God's Word! What other book in the world is so powerful?? NONE!!
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