Fraser had a flat.
The children all love to ride bikes.
Invariably, someone ends up with a flat.
Thankfully, Howie knows a thing or two about bike maintenance.
He did some LONG rides in his day.
Here he is in action teaching the boys the art
of inner tube repair.
Emma is thrown in for good measure!
What a blessing!
The children all love to ride bikes.
Invariably, someone ends up with a flat.
Thankfully, Howie knows a thing or two about bike maintenance.
He did some LONG rides in his day.
Here he is in action teaching the boys the art
of inner tube repair.
Emma is thrown in for good measure!
What a blessing!
What a wonderful blessing!!! I love seeing all the siblings gathered together! And with their daddy! Precious!
Isn't it such a blessing to have these amazing Dads in our children's lives? My husband is also very hands on with his girls, they always say "Daddy can fix it" LOL. I know many people who would love to have the support of a good man as it seems sometimes they are few and far between. Glad to see God has blessed you and your children with a great man.
Blessings, Jill
Dear J ~ Oh I couldn't resist taking pictures when I saw them all like that! Such wonderful memories to cherish. :)
Dear Jill ~ How precious they are to us...I agree, it is God's blessing to have been given such a man. Sounds like you are blessed in a similar way. May we be an encouragement to our husbands day to day as well. :)
I'm fairly certain my husband can fix anything! He's a mechanic by trade too and his talents extend to kitchen appliances too. I'm hoping he looks at my favourite kettle later, it's sick! I am very blessed.
Hey, I am hosting a giveaway for my 100th post - do pop over and enter as you are eligible. It's for a gift card and they ship to Canada too.
Don't you just love hands on Daddys? I do. I tell my husband he looks so handsome when working with the kids :-)
That's great that your hubby could fix the flat tire AND teach the kids how to do it. Flat tires are no fun...but if they can learn how to fix it themselves...that saves a lot of money too :) :) :) Anyway, I think that was a neat time of being together as a family!!!! So precious!!!
Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)
Kids will always remember those lessons from dad! (and it's not just the practical lesson they will remember!)
Dear Ann ~ How blessed you are to have such a handy man in the house! :) Thanks for letting me know about the giveaway...I would love to enter. I'll come right over.
Dear Cinnamon ~ Yes, MOST handsome when working with/helping or playing with the kids. As long as something doesn't get broken! ;-)
Dear Heather ~ If we can fix it ourselves, it is best...I agree. It is a blessing to share our work with the important! Thanks for your encouraging words today! :)
Dear Cindy ~ I think you are right...they remember much more than we may think! I appreciate your encouragement too...thanks for stopping by! :)
This post cracked me up! When we go to ride bikes inevitably there are at least three flats to be fixed on the five bikes that are leaving. My hubby is always fixing flats. Great idea how to show them to do their own. I'm going to suggest that next time.
That is too precious Camille! What a blessing your honey is! Have a most beautiful day in Him !
Dear Stacie ~ Oh DEAR!! THREE at one time?? YES!!! Get those older ones "in the know"! LOL! :)
Dear Sharon ~ How blessed we are to have been given these men to guide our homes! YOU have a wonderful day too!! :)
Love to you both!
What a great teachable moment. Precious!
Thanks Jenn...I agree! How we need to "capture" those moments...they will soon be gone! :(
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