You will find the first post here,
the second here, and the last post here.
There is also a "Why We Homeschool?"
post if you are interested. is about change. Nothing stays the same.
When you have a "perfect" schedule you will
find that it doesn't remain static.
Tweaking and fine-tuning are always necessary.
If there is one thing I have learned from
Home educating our children it is this!
Be flexible.
Welcome change ~
it is the springboard of opportunity.
Do not get frustrated...embrace it!
Having said all that...
God IS a God of order.
We DO need schedules or time gets wasted.
But don't get DRIVEN by the schedule...
daily seek HIS guidance and grace to
do the next thing.
I was recently asked ~
What would I do the same and what would I do differently
now that I have four years of homeschooling behind me?
The same? ~
Order and routine are the things
I would most definitely keep.
Change? ~
I would keep reminding myself of the REAL
reason we live and breathe and have our being.
As it states in Spurgeon's Catechism;
which is based on the
London Baptist Confession of Faith ~
Answer to question # 1 ~
"Man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy HIM forever."
I would seek to more earnestly measure
everything against this standard.
I recently acquired a copy of the book "When You Rise Up" by R.C. Sproul Jr.
and have been challenged and encouraged in this calling of homeschool.
If you are considering homeschool,
or are a "veteran" in the pursuit ~
I would HIGHLY recommend purchasing this book.
It has been SUCH a blessing to my heart!
How precious that we have been given these days with our children!
May we make the most of every moment ~
The following links are for you to consider as you are able.
They are all written beautifully and thoughtfully by a
lovely homeschool Mum who has many more years
of schooling behind her than I.
Ann Voskamp has provoked me to both tears and
laughter with her witty and accurate portrayal of life
"in the trenches".
She writes from the heart with a beautiful focus on the LORD,
which I greatly appreciate.
Following, you will find the links to four of her
"homeschool" posts that have been a blessing to me.
Might you find encouragement and insight within each of them!
The first is a thought provoking article on holistically homeschooling.
This one addresses the question ~ How do I begin?
Next up ~ a beautifully written and insightful post.
And finally ~ one full of wise insight!
May the LORD bless these thoughts to your heart as you look to
HIM for direction for your family.
HE is the ONE from Whom all wisdom flows.
"If any of you lack wisdom,
let him ask of God,
that giveth to all men liberally,
and upbraideth not;
and it shall be given him."
James 1:5
After 8 years of homeschooling, I totally agree with you. If we don't have a schedule and order then we don't accomplish. It is one thing I stick to each and every year. It is a must! I have changed other things multiple times through the years but never have I done away with a schedule for our school days.
Great post!
Great links and encouragement, thank you.
I am so glad you're writing these! We are gearing up and my heart is more at peace than ever before! I can't wait to take a little time to read up on the four articles you linked to. Thank you for taking the time to write all of these! Such a blessing to me!
What a great post! We have homeschooled for 15+ yrs and each year I learn more and more. Each child brings a certain "tweaking" to our days and learning process.
Thanks for the encouragement.
Dear Jenn ~ Your input is valuable...thank you for sharing it here! Yes, many things will change and flex, but a routine is SO important! :)
Dear ThyHand ~ Thanks for your encouragement! I'm sure the articles by Ann will be a blessing to you. :)
Dear J ~ What an exciting journey you are embarking on! May the LORD give each of us the daily grace and strength required to do all for HIS glory!
Dear Cinnamon ~ You are an encouragement to me! I like the saying that we are raising "life-long learners"...that's more important than "covering" it all in the 12 or 13 years of "school". LIFE is school! May the LORD help us ALL to learn and grow in HIS world every day of our lives...for HIS glory!
May the LORD bless each of you today!
In Him,
Thank you so much for your insight. I really need to get more of a schedule going. It was no big deal to be a little "loosy goosy" with Josiah in Kindergarten and 1st grade, especially since he is a year ahead right now. However, now that Josiah will soon be entering into 2nd grade, I know I've got to get more organized so I don't miss anything important. Thanks for inspiring me! Hope to get a schedule going soon.
Dear Jackie ~ Oh, please don't feel that I am telling you that you MUST have a schedule! It is beneficial to follow a ROUTINE...a schedule is wonderful, but it is meant to be a HELP, not something to be a slave to! Also, we will never cover EVERYTHING that "they" tell us we are "supposed to"...the important thing is their character and that they love and serve the LIVING GOD! When that is in its proper place, everything else will follow. I trust you will find the best balance for your family...the LORD will guide you as you seek HIM for wisdom.
Blessings to you!
Hi Camille,
I've been missing "connecting" with you this summer. Thank you for your posts! As our very busy summer winds down these next few weeks, I want to remember why we do what we do, and what our main focus in teaching our children is. This is a great reminder. Thank you!
So good to hear from you Terri! I have missed you too, but summer is *SO* busy...and yours has been *extra* busy, I know!! :)
Have a wonderful August my friend!
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