IN the moment.
Travelling back in time.
All the way back to the
days before computers.
At least to the days before
MY computer.
Living according to HIS plan
for me ~
Just. This. Day.
By HIS Grace.
I'm taking a little hiatus
from email, gmail, internet,
blogging ~
online anything.
Just a little break from this.
But, not forever ~
Just for about a month.
This means that any comments
you may choose to leave
will be published at the end of
my time away from this screen.
At that time, my plan is to
reconnect with all of you.
Thank you for understanding!
(I do *L*O*V*E* to hear from you ~
Please let me know that you stopped by.)
If you have my phone number,
please feel free to call ~
Let's get together! :)
In the meantime,
I'd like to leave you with a beautiful
passage of Scripture ~
"The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
The LORD make his face shine upon thee,
and be gracious unto thee:
The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee,
and give thee peace."
~ Numbers 6:24-26 ~
See you in about a month ~
In HIS Love,
**Photo credit ~ Calvin