What a journey this has been!
God is so Good.
All the time.
What a blessing it is to
rest in HIS Goodness.
In HIS Grace.

~ Photo courtesy of my Emma ~
Some of you may
be on a similar journey.
Crohn's Disease is a tricky thing to deal with.
It's not simple.
Simply not.
We have been to see a
G.I. Specialist at
Children's Hospital in Vancouver.
We have been to our GP.
We are also seeing a
Naturopathic Physician.
They all have something to offer.
Advice to give.
Instructions to follow.
When we first got the
Crohn's diagnosis we were not surprised.
It was something we already figured he had.
It was, in some ways, a relief to know.
We started using dietary supplements.
We altered his diet.
We have been following
this one.
Things went well.
Very well.
For a few months.
Then, some things stopped going well.
A flare up.
Not uncommon for those with
But, at the same time, disheartening.
Our son has been careful to follow
his dietary restrictions and recommendations.
No chips.
No chocolate.
No grains.
He is committed.

We continue to follow the
principles laid out in Elaine Gottschall's book ~
Breaking the Vicious Cycle.
We are also following the advice
of our Naturopathic Physician and General Practitioner.
Sometimes adjustments are necessary.
We are willing to do whatever it takes
to help our son get well.
We seek the LORD for wisdom.
We pray.
We seek the wisdom of Physicians.
We weigh it all up.
We act.
I would like to share some of
what we are doing and going through
to be an encouragement to those of
you who may be in the same boat.
I also want to record it
for future reference.
To bring down the swelling
in our son's leg
(a manifestation of Crohn's),
we are administering a
poulticeof grated potato and carrot with ice chips.
Wrap this in cheesecloth
and apply to the swollen area for about
an hour at a time.
Do this at least twice per day.
For settling and soothing the abdomen,
soak a flannel cloth in
Castor Oil infused with Lavender
and Chamomile and place on the tummy.
Cover with plastic and have
the child lie down on his back
and apply a hot water bottle to the area.
Lie still for an hour or two.
Do this twice per day.
For tummy cramping,
we are using a tincture of
Viburnum Opulus.
For our son, the dose is 30 drops
in water three times per day.
During a flare up,
it may be administered up to six times
per day, if necessary.

He also is taking a
natural anti-inflammatory twice per day,
GI repair supplment at every meal,
probiotic twice per day,
and vitamins.
As well as all the above,
we are keeping his diet very simple.
Nothing that will stress the system
is allowed.
I am currently making up
a big batch of hearty beef broth.
Chicken Stock is also an important
healing food that is being administered.
Did you know that homemade broth
has so many amazing nutrients in it?

Emma was recently feeling sick,
so I took some rich
Chicken Brothfrom the freezer and boiled it up for her to drink.
She started to feel a little better.
Her fever broke the next day.
Maybe, but I don't think so! :)
May the LORD give us all
wisdom as we seek to lead our families
in the journey of good health.
For HIS Glory.
By HIS Grace.
Many Blessings,
**Disclaimer ~ I am not a medical professional.
I am just a Mum sharing some of the things that
we are using to help our son.
Please consult with your Doctor
prior to administering any drug or supplement.
Dosage amounts will vary due to weight and
the age of the individual being treated.
Some people will respond adversely to some treatments.