This Thankfulness Journal is a wonderful way to chronicle the daily happenings of our lives ~ the journey HE has us on. Sometimes filled with laughter and sometimes with tears...usually "ordinary" and occasionally "spectacular" ~ we are blessed.
Will you join us?
Have you begun this journey of thanks? It is powerful and has already changed my life in the "noticing" of the small ~ and I realise that they really are the big. The numbering continues ~
if you are interested in knowing the "why" look here.
"Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits,
even the God of our salvation."
Psalm 68:19
337. Evidence that a little girl lives here ~
she will soon be grown, so I enjoy...
Will you join us?
Have you begun this journey of thanks? It is powerful and has already changed my life in the "noticing" of the small ~ and I realise that they really are the big. The numbering continues ~
if you are interested in knowing the "why" look here.
"Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits,
even the God of our salvation."
Psalm 68:19
337. Evidence that a little girl lives here ~
she will soon be grown, so I enjoy...
340. Notes of thanks for thoughtful gifts
341. More little girl "evidence" ~
soon to be exchanged for larger pursuits
342. Street hockey and more street hockey and three boys to play!
343. Gifted flowers to plant ~ joy!
344. "Old Betsy" aka "Betsy Blue" faithfully transports us
mile after mile with very little expense ~ she really is a gem!
345. Noisy house
346. Family that cares
347. Faithful, hard-working Husband
348. New life bursting out everywhere ~ welcome spring!
349. Jobs for my boys
350. Neighbours who are neighbourly
351. Olympic opportunities
352. Food in abundance
353. Purging ~ liberation from "stuff"
354. Witnessing opportunities
355. Singing the old hymns
Many Blessings,
I do so enjoy your thankfulness journal, Camille! Your heart shows through in each post!
I am thankfully enjoying my second edition of my Answers Magazine subscription. I am thankful for you!
Indeed God instructs us to record His daily happenings in our lives - what we call 'journaling'.
I do it every day to give Him thanks and praise and to see His Hand at work in my life and in the lives of others. That way there is recorded evidence that He is alive - that He is REAL = that He is Working = that He is Present with us - calling us unto Himself!
Choosing Great JOY in THANKSGIVING,
JESUS ONLY in 2010
SO many things to be thankful for. I need this reminder as we are facing some giants here in Michigan.
I feel like I just had tea at your house. Reading the thankfulness items of a friend, helps us all to appreciate life, doesn't it?
Great list! Your blog is very lovely!
So many lovely things on your list to be thankful for and the items of evidence of the presence of children in your home are heartwarming. I too am thankful for a noisy house even though I wish some days for a quiet house but I know there is a time coming when the evidence of children is packed away in boxes or given away and I will be longing to have a noisy house again! Thank you for reminding me of what to be thankful for Camille.
I love what is on your list.
Raeann ~ You are so sweet! I am so glad you are enjoying "Answers" is a blessing to us too! BUT...we are in Canada and it takes longer for us to get it here ~ maybe mine will be in the mail soon? :)
Stephanie ~ What a blessing to record God's graces to us! May the Lord bless you as you lift your heart to Him in praise each day...even for the "small" things! YES...HE lives! :)
Cindy ~ I will pray for you and those giants! SO sorry to hear it my friend! Hang in day at a time. I love Psalm 91 at "those" times in particular...may the Lord bless it to your heart as well.
Heather ~ I always appreciate your lists too! Yes, it is encouraging to have these visits! I do wish we could have tea for real! :)
Camie ~ Welcome here! Thanks for stopping by and your sweet comment. :)
Ann ~ So lovely that you stopped by today! Oh...that we would just slow down and ENJOY...these days will so soon be behind us! THEN we will be sad, won't we?! Your comment brought a smile to my face ~ thank you! :)
I LOVE your Thankfulness Journal posts Camille. God does indeed bless us above and beyond whatever we could ever ask or think :) Love the soapy toes;)
Thanks for reminding us of all the wonderful things the Lord has given to us in the everyday things of life. Too often we take these simple pleasures for granted. And you are so right...these are the big things. :) And your pictures are great too!
Love. It. All.
Especially evidences of a little girl and liberation from stuff. Yes, these days are passing quickly. Thank you for encouraging me to slow down and breath enjoy and treasure up these times in my heart! Love and blessings to you!
Sharon ~ Thanks for your sweet encouragement! Oh...I am enjoying those soapy toes ~ they will not be in my tub forever! :)
Jackie ~ I've been thinking of you lately! I trust all is well with all of you at your home!! How many blessings the LORD gives ~ it is so true! Thanks for your encouragement today! :)
J ~ I'm so glad we are encourage my heart! :)
With Love,
Today's Ordinary Joy for Mavis:
Going to the Post Office to find a Christmas Card from YOU...Postmarked December 17th... What happened? Oh made me smile :)
LOL ~ Now that is strange!! SOOO glad you got it!! I did send it in plenty of time for Christmas ~ too funny! :)
Have a wonderful Easter!
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