We see and hear evidences of the Creator of this Universe all around us ~ the tracings of His Hand abound in the things we so often take for granted. God is majestic and cannot be contained ~ our minds are finite and cannot comprehend the immense greatness of our God!
This week's list contains some of these evidences recently photographed...
"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handiwork." Psalm 19:1
This week's list contains some of these evidences recently photographed...
"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handiwork." Psalm 19:1
330. Water droplets on the cherry tree blossom buds...
331. Amaryllis blooms to brighten late winter days...
332. Red berries mingled with the greenery in the front flower garden
333. Sunlight and shadows making patterns on the floor
334. Single red rose and sunlight to play with ~ camera fun! :)
335. Back yard ground cover sporting dainty periwinkle flowers ~ favourites!
336. Tulips gifted to me by my Dad ~ a thoughtful gesture "out of the blue"
Great photos, Camille!
I love the shadow on the floor and periwinkle are one of my faves too.
Have a great day!
Love, Heather
It's sent!
Check it out.
Lovely pictures. Have a great day.
I love this Camille! We have so much to be thankful for and to find joy in! Every moment of everyday :) Thank you for sharing and for the beautiful reminders and photos :)
Have a wonderful day in HIM :)
PS I did take the photo in my header, it was from a four-wheeling trip Michael and I took in the mountains. Wild Roses against Ponderosa Pines :)
It will be a while yet before there are blossoms on the crabapple tree, but the lilacs have teeny buds coming out! And the grass is greening up in spite of the freak snow a few days ago!
These photos are awesome! Love every one of them :)
Your photography! Oh my goodness. You captured everything SOOOOoo well! You are talented my friend. And what wonderful blessings to thank Him for!
Heather ~ You are so encouraging...thanks! AND I actually was describing the flower as "periwinkle" in colour and find that they actually ARE periwinkles!! YOU informed me...didn't know that! But I have ALWAYS loved them! :)
Meghan ~ Thanks again for your visit...you are sweet! :)
Patty ~ Thanks so much...and you have a great day too! :)
Sharon ~ How wonderful that you got to have an adventure like that! What a gorgeous picture...roses growing wild...how lovely!! Have a lovely day too! :)
Cindy ~ Isn't it wonderful when everything begins to grow again! Oh and I love lilacs...how lovely that you have your own bush! :)
Jackie ~ Thank you my friend! :)
J ~ Once again you bring a smile to my face...thanks for your sweet encouragement! :)
Thabnk you for coming and saying hi!! Oh, my heart just jumped when I read what your Daddy did for you. Is that not a wonderful memory to tuck in your heart for a rainy day? I love it!!!!!!
Love all your pictures. The pictures of a creative God. He must love color............ and us very much!
Blessings sweet friend! Linda
Linda ~ You are so right...a lovely memory to cherish ~ God is truly GOOD!! I couldn't agree with you more...the handiwork of our Creator God is magnificent...how blessed we are to belong to HIM!
Have a wonderful evening!
So, so pretty!
Thanks Stacie ~ Isn't God's handiwork amazing? :)
What a beautiful refreshing blog to come to as the music tingles my ears....... Oh it makes me praise my JESUS in Worship!
Thank you for your encouraging comment on TRUTHSHARER for that post that indeed was so hard to write. Truth is truth and it all must be told and shared!
I love the tracing of His Hand in my own life as I see His Presence everyday. Beautiful pictures here on your post! It's a place of SOLITUDE! God is taking me to that place now!
Thank you again for reaching out and also being brave enough to comment there! You blessed me greatly!
Choosing JOY, Stephanie
JESUS ONLY in 2010
Welcome here Stephanie ~ I'm so glad you stopped by! Your comment here is a blessing to my heart...may the Lord draw you ever nearer to Himself for your good and His glory!
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